Scholarship Appeals Procedure

Students who have not met the academic requirements for continuation and have not met the criteria for a probationary semester for their Tulane scholarship may appeal the loss of their scholarship to the Financial Aid Office. Appeals must be based on extraordinary circumstances that were beyond the student's control, such as a serious physical or mental condition.

Financial Aid Appeals Committee

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee consists of the Assistant V.P. of Financial Aid, the Associate Director of Financial Aid, the V.P. of Student Affairs and representatives for the undergraduate academic divisions and counseling. There will be a total of eight members of the committee with the Associate Director of Financial Aid serving as chairperson of the committee. The chairperson is a non-voting member of the committee.

Appeals Procedure

Students wishing to appeal the loss of their scholarship must submit a written request including their name, social security number and/or Tulane ID, title of their scholarship, and reasons for the appeal. Students must provide supporting documentation from a professional showing that the student's academic performance during the prior year was affected by a serious physical or mental condition. Documentation from a counselor at the Educational Resources and Counseling Center or form a private physician (channeled through University Health Service) must attest that the physical or mental problems were beyond the student's control, that the student has made significant progress in addressing their problems, and that the student can be reasonably expected to achieve the required academic standing if another year of scholarship is granted.

Appeals must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office no later than 30 days after the end of the academic period during which the scholarship was last received. Under unusual circumstances, a late appeal will be considered.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee chairperson will review the appeals and request additional information if necessary before presenting the appeal to the committee. The appeal will then be reviewed by the committee. The committee's decision is final with no additional appeal possible. Students will receive a written response within two weeks from the date the appeal is reviewed.

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