
Often students make time during the academic year to devote a few hours each week to earn a portion of the funds needed to cover their educational expenses, especially to help with incidental and/or miscellaneous expenses. Employment opportunities can be found among the multitude of various departments located on Tulane’s campuses, as well as at off-campus locations where greater New Orleans companies are seeking to hire Tulane students. Students employed by Tulane are usually paid bi-weekly for the hours actually worked, with net earnings directly deposited into the student’s preferred banking account.

Generally, employment opportunities fall into one of the following three categories:

Federal Work Study

On-campus and Off-campus

Federal Work Study (FWS) is often available for most Tulane student populations who are determined to have eligibility as per federal student aid guidelines. The vast majority of Tulane’s FWS opportunities are at positions on-campus, while a few might be near-by yet off-campus.

Non-Federal Work Study Opportunities


Over 50% of students working at Tulane are not employed via the Federal Work Study (FWS) program, so students interested in working yet who were not awarded FWS should explore available job opportunities on-campus. Learn more about Non-Federal Work Study Opportunities.


Tulane students represent an attractive workforce to the various businesses in the surrounding greater New Orleans community. With many job opportunities either within walking distance or a short street-car ride away, often students take advantage of the opportunities within the local job market.

Student Employment Office

A reminder that the Student Employment Office hosts an annual “Job Fair” usually during the first week of fall semester classes, so plan on attending to learn of available job openings. Visit Tulane’s HR website dedicated to job opportunities for students.

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