Musicianship Award

Musicianship Awards are partial scholarships offered to incoming freshmen who are selected by the Office of Undergraduate Admission based on recommendation from faculty and staff to students who have academic credentials and a history of talent and dedication to music, and is only granted to students intending to major in music.

Students may not receive a Musicianship Award in combination with ROTC scholarship, Faculty-Staff Tuition Waiver, or Tuition Exchange Scholarship.  The Musicianship Award may be combined with other Tulane merit scholarship if specifically noted on the Musicianship Award announcement letter from the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Students may combine the award with a need-based scholarship which has been re-evaluated in light of all other scholarship, with Valedictorian Scholarship and/or with partial athletic scholarship. 

Students found guilty of violations of the Code of Academic Conduct will forfeit all remaining portions of Musicianship Award that they have been offered.

General Renewal Conditions

The scholarships are renewed each year provided the student satisfies music major requirements, maintains a 2.700 cumulative grade point average and continuous enrollment in a full-time undergraduate division.

Seniors in their last semester who enroll less than full-time may still receive the scholarship, but the amount will be reduced pro-rated by the amount of the tuition reduction.

Other students who enroll in or drop to less than full-time in the fall semester will have their scholarship reduced on a pro-rated basis by their tuition reduction, if any. They will be allowed to retain their tuition scholarship for the spring semester provided they enroll full-time, but may lose eligibility for all following years since the scholarship guidelines require that students maintain continuous full-time enrollment. Students who enroll in or drop to less than full-time in the spring semester will have their tuition scholarship reduced on a pro-rated basis by their tuition reduction, if any, but may lose eligibility for the scholarship in future semesters.

Students who take an approved leave of absence may regain their scholarship upon their return provided they continue to meet all academic and enrollment conditions and submit documentation verifying the approved leave of absence. Acceptable documentation is either a copy of their college's approved leave of absence form or a letter from their academic dean's office confirming the terms and length of the student's approved leave of absence.

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