Loan Repayment

Are you concerned about your student loans and how you'll manage repaying them?

You're probably not alone. The good news is that repayment can be manageable (and affordable) if you have a strategy for success.

Federal student loans are different from all other types of debt and represent your investment in your education, so learn how to develop a repayment strategy for your loan portfolio. Coverage of loan forgiveness provisions will be included.

The Office of University Financial Aid invited Dr. Jeffrey E. Hanson to Tulane's campus to speak about this important issue. He is a nationally recognized expert on student loan repayment and the options that are available to you in managing this important financial responsibility. Take Charge of Loan Repayment!

Please note that the presenter, Dr. Jeff Hanson, is an nationally-recognized economist who specializes in working with student loan borrowers to explore all options available for repayment, including the possibility of having federal student loan debt forgiven via your employment in a qualifying public service profession and/or income-driven repayment. He is NOT a financial advisor disbursing information on investments and/or other financial matters.

Student Loans are Unique

The Cost of Student Loans

Establish an Action Plan

Explore Repayment Options

Income Driven Repayment

Calculate Your Repayment

Know Your Portfolio

Develop a Timeline

Choose Your Repayment


Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Also, Please Review The Handout Materials Below From Other Dr. Hanson Sessions For Valuable Information!

Loan Repayment Worksheet

Budgeting Worksheet

Income-Driven Repayment Plans Information Page (Dept. of Education)

Income-Driven Repayment Plans PDF Handout (Dept. of Education)

Public Service Loan Forgiveness PDF Handout (Dept. of Education)

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Information Page (Dept. of Education)

Income-Driven Repayment UPDATE Spring 2016: REPAYE v. PAYE v. IBR

A plethora of additional loan repayment and debt management information and materials can be found in our Financial Literacy Resources document.

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