Tulane Athletic Scholarship

Athletics Scholarships for student-athletes are awarded on the basis of athletics ability, and both full and partial scholarships are offered. Scholarship from the Athletics Department may also be offered to students who are not student-athletes under certain conditions.

Each year, student-athletes who are offered an Athletic Scholarship to attend Tulane for the following year must sign an official letter and agree to terms for their aid for that year. These letters should be reviewed carefully each year. The terms may include things like:

  • You will remain eligible to receive athletically related financial aid provided that you maintain academic status that meets the satisfactory progress guidelines of the institution and the NCAA; abide by team, university and NCAA rules and regulations; conduct yourself in a responsible manner; and participate in team related activities as an active member of an intercollegiate athletic program at Tulane University.
  • Upon voluntary withdrawal (i.e. quitting) from your respective team, your athletic aid will be terminated immediately in accordance with NCAA rules, and you will be responsible for the pro-rated portion of your athletic aid from the day of voluntary withdrawal through the end of the semester.
  • Financial Aid from any source, other than the university or persons upon whom you are naturally or legally dependent, must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Recipients of athletic scholarships are required to receive permission from their respective student services counselor before dropping or withdrawing from registered courses. Failure to adhere to this policy could lead to aid not being renewed for the subsequent term.
  • The NCAA regulates student athletes' employment during the academic year. Student athletes must check with the Athletic Department Compliance Office prior to any employment.
  • The recipient of a scholarship grant is responsible for determining whether a scholarship, in whole or in part, is includible in their adjusted gross income for filing federal and state income tax returns. In other words, you will be responsible for determining whether your athletic grant is taxable . In general, any amount that you receive as a scholarship is taxable income UNLESS it is used for tuition and fees required to attend Tulane, or fees, books and equipment that are required for courses at Tulane. Scholarship amounts that are used for other expenses, such as room and board, are taxable.
  • If you should incur an injury while competing in team activity that prevents your participation in intercollegiate athletics, your athletic aid will continue in effect provided you remain in compliance with the conditions noted above.
  • Tulane University's rules and regulations provide that, as part of active participation in its intercollegiate athletic program, a student-athlete must comply at all times with all applicable laws as well as all university and NCAA rules and regulations concerning the use of unlawful substances and / or substances that have the potential for abuse or are hazardous to your health as determined by the medical advisors of the university. This will include testing designed to detect the presence of such substances. As a condition of this award, you must agree to comply will all such laws, rules and regulations and to participate fully in any testing program.
  • The renewal/ non-renewal of this scholarship shall be made before July 1, prior to the next academic year.

Non-Renewal of Athletics Scholarship

A student who wishes to appeal the reduction or cancellation of student-athlete scholarship within an award year or non-renewal of his or her athletic aid from one year to the next will submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Office that includes:

  • The student's name, social security number, year in school and sport;
  • Reasons for believing that the decision was unfair, including names of institutional staff members, such as coaches) with whom the student has discussed the aid; and copies of any relevant documents that support the student's position

The student must submit these materials to the Financial Aid Office Athletics Scholarship Appeals Committee within 14 days after the student receives notification that his or her award has been canceled or reduced. Based on the materials that the student submits, the Financial Aid Athletics Scholarship Appeals Committee will determine whether or not a hearing is warranted. If the Committee decides that a hearing is needed, the student may request a telephone conference if attending the hearing will present an undue hardship. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee reviews the appeal and its decision is final. There is no appeal beyond the Financial Aid Athletics Scholarship Appeals Committee. The student will receive a written response within 30 days of submitting the appeal to the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Athletics Scholarship Appeals Committee

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee consists of four staff members from the Financial Aid Office, with one staff member, serving as chair. The Department Heads, Michael Goodman and Georgia Whiddon select members. Each member serves at least a one-year term.

Athletics Scholarship Appeal Procedure

The student submits a request to the Financial Aid Office Athletics Scholarship Appeals Committee appealing the reduction or cancellation or non-renewal of his or her athletic aid. The Financial Aid Office notifies the Athletic Director that an appeal has been received. The Athletic Director must submit a written statement explaining why the athletic aid has been canceled or reduced. All appropriate documentation should be submitted within 5 working days.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review the information submitted by both the student and the Athletic Director. One of two actions will then be taken:

  1. If the Financial Aid Appeals Committee finds that the decision to reduce, cancel, or not renew aid is not a violation of the rules, regulations or institutional policies and no extenuating circumstances are present, the appeal is immediately denied. The Committee will send a letter to all parties notifying them of this decision.
  2. If the Financial If the Financial Aid Appeals Committee finds that there are grounds to have a hearing, one will be scheduled. The student and the Athletic Director will be notified of the time and place. Each side will present its arguments. Within 10 working days the Financial Aid Committee will reach a decision and contact both parties by mail. The Committee's decision is final.

Hearing Procedure

If a hearing is scheduled, the following guidelines will be followed:

  • The Chair of the Appeals Committee will exercise control over the hearings to ensure that the appropriate procedures are followed. The Chair will guide the hearing to avoid needless consumption of time. Any person who disrupts a hearing may be excluded from the proceedings.
  • The student athlete and a representative from the Athletic Department will be offered the opportunity to present their cases.
  • Each student athlete and the representative from the Athletic Department may have an advisor of his or her choice selected from faculty, staff, or students of the University. The advisor may not participate in the hearings except to advise the student or the representative from the Athletic Department. Such an advisor may not be legal counsel.
  • The student athlete and the Athletic Department will be offered the opportunity to present their own witnesses and to question each other's witnesses. Witnesses will be present only to provide their testimony. A list of witnesses will be provided to the chair of the Appeals Committee 48 hours before the hearing. For each witness, a statement of relevance to the case is required.
  • No other parties will be allowed in the hearing.
  • The members of the Appeal's Committee will be offered the opportunity to question the student athlete, the representative from the Athletic Department, and the witnesses.
  • All persons will be asked to affirm that their testimony is truthful.
  • All parties and witnesses will be excluded during the Appeals Committee's deliberations.
  • Final decisions of the Appeals Committee will be by the majority vote of the Appeals Committee members. In case of a tie, the Appeals Committee Chair will vote.
  • Final decisions will be made in writing and sent to the student and the Athletic Department.
  • An athlete who fails to appear after proper written notice will be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing. The hearing will proceed in absentia.
    • All proceedings are confidential. All proceedings and all documents generated by the process form a part of the student athlete appeal file. The file will be available, upon request, to the student athlete and the Athletic Department.

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