Louisiana Legislative Scholars Scholarship

Louisiana Legislative Scholars Scholarships are one-year full-tuition scholarships funded by Tulane University in accordance with Louisiana State law.

Appointments are for one year starting in fall only and can be extended if the student submits the required form in a timely manner, meets academic and other eligibility criteria and the legislator nominates the student again. Legislators can nominate a student for up to four years of undergraduate study (five years for five-year undergraduate program Architecture students) provided the student maintains a 2.300 cumulative grade point average, residency in Louisiana, and full-time undergraduate enrollment in a Newcomb-Tulane College school.

Students may not receive a Legislative Scholarship in combination with any other Tulane merit scholarship, ROTC scholarship, Faculty-Staff Tuition Waiver or Tuition Exchange Scholarship. Legislative Scholarships may be combined with the Louisiana Valedictorian Scholarship (although please note this is no longer being awarded to incoming students after fall 2018), National Merit Scholarship, and/or Louisiana TOPS as long as the combination of all financial aid does not exceed the student's financial aid cost of attendance. Please check with Tulane Athletics Compliance if you are an athlete to find out how you may be affected if you are seeking both athletic scholarship and Legislative Scholarship.

If a student is not re-nominated a subsequent year for a Legislative Scholarship and he/she was initially awarded a Tulane merit scholarship, you must contact the University Financial Aid Office to initiate the consideration of reinstatement of the merit scholarship. There is a possibility that the initial Tulane merit scholarship can be reinstated after careful review. Please note that in order for a Tulane merit scholarship to be reinstated, you must satisfy merit scholarship renewal criteria (including the cumulative grade point average requirement for the particular merit scholarship program).

If a student is not re-nominated a subsequent year for a Legislative Scholarship and he/she was not initially awarded a Tulane merit Scholarship, the Tulane Need-Based Scholarship can be applied for to help cover educational expenses (of course, a student must demonstrate financial need to be considered).

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