Disbursement of Your Aid

Disbursements of most financial aid occur just prior to the start of each semester. Details concerning the amount of financial aid associated with each semester are found on the Tulane Gibson portal when reviewing your financial aid award. The Tulane University Accounts Receivable office (this is an office separate from the Tulane University Financial Aid Office - https://studentaccounts.tulane.edu) produces billing statements for upcoming semester charges starting about a month and a half before the beginning of each semester, and the statements show any financial aid disbursed within the prior 30 days or so as well as any federal educational loans or other financial aid which is ready to disburse once classes begin. Between statements, a student can see the total amount of financial aid (if any) waiting for the start of classes to disburse (to do that, sign in to the student's Gibson Online portal, click on the Billing tab and then "View Online Account" and view the information in the "Student Account" panel - the total amount would be listed as "Estimated Financial Aid", and the balance due would be listed as "Balance Including Estimated Aid").

Federal Student Aid

During the traditional academic year (composed of the fall and spring semesters), federal regulations mandate two equal disbursements of aid, half at the start of the fall semester and the remaining half at the start of the spring semester. Aid processed for a single semester will generally disburse at the start of the specific semester.

Federal student aid funds, with the exception of Federal Work Study (FWS) funding, are disbursed electronically by the U.S. Department of Education and credit directly to a student’s Tulane Accounts Receivable account (billing account).

FWS funds are paid biweekly via direct deposit to a student’s specified bank account and earnings are based on actual hours worked during the specific pay period. FWS funds ARE NOT directly credited to a student’s Accounts Receivable account.

All federal eligibility criteria must be satisfied prior to disbursement of federal aid.

Institutional Aid

Unless specified otherwise, Tulane scholarship funds generally disburse in two equal disbursements at the start of each respective semester of the traditional academic year. All institutional eligibility criteria must be satisfied prior to the disbursement of institutional aid.

Stipends (generally applicable to graduate level students) are disbursed according to the established payment cycle of your sponsor. Stipend funds are directly deposited into a student’s specified bank account.

Aid from Outside Sources (including the Louisiana TOPS Program)

Outside entities will disburse aid according to their own policy. Disbursements made payable to Tulane, are often sent directly to the University and then directly applied towards a student’s account. If disbursements are made co-payable to the student and to Tulane (or if solely made payable to the student), then if a balance is owed the University the funds are applied to the student’s account, otherwise released to the student.

The State of Louisiana regulates that Tulane is only allowed to bill for TOPS funding after the 14th class day of each semester. Once approved by the State, TOPS funding is sent to Tulane electronically, so that funds can be directly disbursed to a student’s Accounts Receivable account, however it is important to note that the arrival of TOPS funding does not often occur until at least a month after the start of each semester. Funding of TOPS awards may also be delayed if the State determines that adequate funds are not readily available.

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